The Indonesian National Committee for UNESCO-IHP, the National Research and Innovation Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BRIN), and the Indonesian Society of Limnology (MLI) converge on a shared interest in preserving the continuity of the hydrological cycle, which is indispensable for terrestrial life. Recognizing the significance of this objective, a collaborative initiative is considered imperative to catalyze the adoption of integrated water resource management grounded in watershed principles. Such an approach holds the potential to transcend administrative boundaries, fostering a unified and comprehensive strategy that ensures the sustainable use of water resources. By bringing together expertise from these organizations, the collaborative effort aims to address the complex challenges associated with water management, promoting a holistic approach that accounts for the interconnected nature of water systems and contributes to the long-term resilience of the hydrological cycle in Indonesia
Therefore, The Indonesian National Committee of the International Hydrology Programme (IHP) UNESCO in collaboration with the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the Indonesian Society of Limnology (MLI), conducted an international seminar with the theme Watershed-Based Water Resources Management for Shared Prosperity, which will be held on 18 Mar 2024.
Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Mego Pinandito, M.Eng (Deputy Chairman for Development Policy, BRIN)
Invited Speakers:
- Prof. Kazuhiro Komatsu (Shinshu University, Japan)
- Dr. Muhammad Zainal Arifin (Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia)
- Prof. Dr. Irfan Budi Pramono (The National Research and Innovation Agency of the Republic of Indonesia)
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